Sunday, April 21, 2013

In the Garden

It's not quite May, and my summer garden is almost done.  It amazes me that some plants, like the tomatoes, can already have maturing fruit on them, and be six inches above their cages, while others are just poking through the ground. I'm really learning to love gardening, and knowing I'm growing edible, organic food is even better!  Here are some photographs of some of my plants. I think I've become a garden nerd :)

some pretties

my first boysenberry

yellow onions I'm hoping will be ready to eat soon, they are a winter onion, and I've been waiting patiently

butternut squash plants are starting to poke through

I see red!

I have more mint than I know what to do with

baby zucchini!

our tree is full of leaves after being bare all winter and now we have great shade for picnics!

basil, oregano, basil
I'm hoping my poor little cucumber plants won't all die, it's a sad state of affairs in the part of the garden. I'm pretty excited that everything else seems to be doing well for my first official summer garden, hoping I will learn a lot and eat a lot more :)


  1. Gorgeous garden. You have a wonderful talent for creating beauty everywhere. And it's wonderful to grow healthy food for your family. I can't wait until it's warm enough here to plant our garden. We're getting close.
